There exist a countless number of unexplored but very attractive areas in Japan where human lives...
Awashima is a small island in the Seto Inland Sea, which once prospered as a base for the shippin...
Fifteen minutes from Takamatsu Port, not so far from the city of Takamatsu, is an islet called Os...
Based in the islands along the Shimanami Kaido, Murakami pirates, the naval force that once ruled...
The Setouchi Triennale 2016 summer season has started! Even more visitors are expected than the s...
The Shimanami Kaido stretches between Ehime Prefecture and Hiroshima Prefecture, connecting six i...
A number of new artworks are being brought to Teshima for the Setouchi Triennale 2016. At the sam...
A number of artworks are situated along the prefectural road that runs around in Teshima for 12km...
With Takamatsu as a base, you have quick, cheap and easy access to a diverse range of islands in ...
Besides the Benesse Art Site, there are many not-to-miss outdoor and architectural works around M...
As intended by the artist and the architect who designed it, the Teshima Art Museum, a piece of a...
Recently, restaurants established in old folk houses are opening one after another in and around ...
Miyaura port, a main gateway to Naoshima, is home to artworks including “Red Pumpkin” by Yayoi Ku...
The Karato area is located in the northeast of Teshima. There are several artworks in the Karato-...
As the name “Teshima” (literally, "rich island") indicates, the island is blessed with ...